Audience Measurement
Podcast Metrics
Audience insights to power your podcast strategy.

Industry Trusted
Podcast Measurement

With more than a decade of measurement expertise, Triton Podcast Metrics is an analytics tool that delivers accurate and insightful census-level data around how, when, and where podcasts and on-demand audio are being consumed across multiple hosting platforms all via a single user interface.

The customized reports in Podcast Metrics allow you to explore metrics by date range, geography, device, podcast name, episode title, and more. Users can also save queries for automated reporting to send reports to non Podcast Metrics users.


With Podcast Metrics Demos+ podcast publishers, advertisers, and brands are now able to leverage metrics beyond census data to better understand listeners. This first-ever integration of census and survey-based research methodologies provides audience demographic data, such as age and gender, as well as sociodemographics, media behavior, purchase intent, and lifestyle categories.

This extension is available in Podcast Metrics for those in the United States and Australia. Triton developed Demos+ in collaboration with Signal Hill Insights.

Video Metrics

Publishers who are using Podcast Metrics also benefit from our integration with YouTube metrics, providing a holistic view of how content is consumed on YouTube in conjunction with overall podcast downloads.

Video Metrics allows publishers to effortlessly compare podcast downloads and views of their programming on YouTube side-by-side within a single interface. Additionally, the integration allows publishers to seamlessly consolidate video metrics from a variety of programs, selecting from a range of metrics including date range and country.


With the Lineups feature in Podcast Metrics, group your podcast programs into packages to share download and listener data with buyers and agencies. Demonstrate your lineup's unique reach in Lineup Explore by deduplicating audience's across programs.

The third party reported data allows for an apples to apples comparison of data across publishers, and makes it easier to connect and align opportunities via the same data view inside Podcast Metrics.

Podcast Rankers

Triton Podcast Rankers list the top podcasts in Australia, Canada, Latin America, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United States as measured by Triton Podcast Metrics. The entities listed are ranked by Downloads and/or Listeners/Users in accordance with v2.1 of the IAB Podcast Technical Measurement Guidelines. is our robust and interactive site that allows you to easily navigate and filter by podcast category, publisher, and time period, gaining insights into monthly performance. With Triton Podcast Rankers publishers and sales networks can promote themselves via a public ranker and advertisers gain a new level of transparency and a better understanding of podcast listening trends. 

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